Additional fields for email addresses

Email2AT exposes a number of data properties that represent parts of an incoming email. You can use these properties in your mailbox logic.

For example, Email2AT exposes the subject line of the incoming email within the email.subject property of the incoming email, and the body of the message in email.body.

When working with the email addresses of an email, it’s very common to need to extract the domain name or the prefix (before the @-sign) of the from-address or to-addresses of the email. Before today, you would need to use a text helper to extract the domain name of the email from-address, like this:

{{after_text email.from "@"}}

Today, we announce the addition of 6 more fields for every email address parsed from an incoming email. Beyond the existing address and display properties, Email2AT now also exposes:

  • address_prefix
  • address_domain
  • display_firstname
  • display_lastname
  • firstname
  • lastname

These additional properties are exposed on the email from-address (i.e. email.from.address_prefix), to-addresses, and cc-addresses. You can see these properties populated within any Email2AT history object:


The fields are populated with the following information:

address_prefix will contain the part of the email address before the @-sign, and address_domain will contain the part of the email address after the @-sign.

display_firstname and display_lastname will contain the first name and the last name extracted from the display property. These two properties take into account whether display contains a comma (Lastname, Firstname) or not (Firstname Lastname). These properties may be empty if the incoming email address does not include a display name.

firstname and lastname will contain the values of display_firstname and display_lastname, unless those properties are empty. In that case, firstname will contain the value from address_prefix, and lastname will contain the value from address_domain. You can trust that these two fields will always contain a value. If there is no display name, these properties will contain portions of the email address.

- Thank you to customer SB for the question that led to this feature!