We are proud to announce the release of several enhancements to the MSPintegrations API and processing engine:
Autotask User-Defined Field Truncation
When creating or updating Autotask objects, MSPintegrations now automatically truncates text fields to the maximum number of characters allowed by the Autotask API. For example, if creating an Autotask ticket, the Description field for the ticket can be no more than 32,000 characters long. MSPintegrations now automatically removes any characters beyond 32,000 in that field to ensure that the Autotask API accepts the request.
Until this release, MSPintegrations did not truncate the values stored in Autotask User-Defined Fields, but it now does truncate these fields. You can safely set the value for an Autotask User-Defined Field, and MSPintegrations will ensure that the field does not contain more text than will be accepted by the Autotask API.
Release Information added to History Records
MSPintegrations now records the version of the API that processes an email or a scheduled task. The version number is added to the history detail record within the log entry named “Started Processing”.
This additional information will help us better identify issues in processing emails and scheduled tasks.
Bug Fixes:
We released an update last week for a few hours that we then rolled back due to a few bugs. The following two bugs were present in that release and were resolved in today’s release:
- Email line-endings were not correctly converted from carriage-return+line-feed (CRLF) to just line-feed (LF). Line endings are now correctly converted to LF format, as was the case before last week’s rolled-back release.
- When parsing emails that contained HTML content only, and no plaintext content, MSPintegrations did not correctly populate the variable “email.body”. Today’s release returns the old, correct behavior: email.body will contain the HTML version of the email, with HTML values stripped, in the event there is no plaintext version included in the incoming email.