Email contact that does not live in AT

Want to see if there is a way to build an additional step whereas we get an email from an external contact that doesn’t have a matching contact in AT and still assign it to a customer based on a different criteria

Hi @ryanrippo ,

Thanks for posting here!

Can you provide any more specifics about the other criteria you’d like to use to determine the correct account/customer for the new ticket?

For example, do you want to extract something from the body of the email, or the subject line, or something else?

If you can provide an example email, that would be helpful as well.


Hey Travis,

Yes, I think using the subject line could work. These are alerts we are going to receive from a SOC tool. The alerts will come from the same email address every time, but we have Mutiple customers using the tool and want to obviously differentiate when the tickets come in. The customer’s name will be in every ticket subject. I think that might work because if a regular ticket were to come in the customer’s name is not in the subject of the ticket. That is how I see it but please tell me if I am on the right track.


That makes perfect sense. Thank you for clarifying that, as I wasn’t understanding the use-case before.

I recorded a 30-minute video explaining this exact workflow for another SOC tool. I expect this will prove helpful for you:

Check out that video and let me know if this gets you going the right direction. And ask here as you have more questions - I’m happy to keep helping!

Hey Travis,

I am up against a timeline and was hoping maybe we can jump on a quick call? I watched about 1/2 the video and the biggest difference is that I need all messages to still go to the same hosted mailbox. I did not want to create a new hosted mailbox. I want to be able to have these messages come in and be processed in AT in the same queue/s as all our other tickets. Please let me know when you might be able to jump on a quick call.


@ryanrippo ,

I’ve been traveling for the holidays, so please forgive my delay.

You can add this logic to an existing mailbox pretty simply. You will add an expression to the rule you create so that it only fires for emails from this SOC tool (likely based on from-address).

If you’d like to schedule time for me to look at your specific setup and provide more direct support, I am available on a Professional Services engagement for a fee. Please contact me at to coordinate that.

Let me know how else we can help!

Understood Travis, no worries. I reached out to as you suggested.


@ryanrippo I don’t see any messages from you in our support inbox. Can you check to be sure it went out?

Just sent it again but will check out outbound email filter to be sure

I actually received this auto reply on both messages that were sent.

Thanks for contacting MSPintegrations Support.

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This is an automated response to confirm that we received your request.

We review all new requests as they arrive, and we strive to answer all new requests within 1 business day. If your request is urgent, please reply here and let us know.

If you have further information related to this issue, please reply to this message so that your additional information is stored with this request.

If you have a question with the way that Email2AT handled an inbound email, please provide us with the URL of that email in your Email2AT history.

To find a message in your history:

  1. Login to
  2. Click History on the left sidebar
  3. Locate the message you want to send me
  4. Click the pencil+paper icon to the right of the email message
  5. Copy the URL of the page
  6. Reply to this message and paste the URL of the Email2AT history

Thanks again for contacting us. We’ll get back to you soon.


MSPintegrations Support

I found both messages and have replied. Thanks!