Parsing of Project communication

Good day

Our projects team has been communicating to customers using AT templates but these are set to use their personal accounts. I would like to use this like we would a support address where email comms go out using a generic address and replies to the address are then automatically captured into the project.

Is this possible using Email2AT and how would I go about achieving this.

Thank you.

Yes, you can easily build a workflow to process updates to tasks. MSPintegrations includes an action for this specific purpose:

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Hi @travis

This is great thank you.

This will work brilliantly if communication is sent from the task but how would you update the actual project if a note is sent from the project itself, please see an example below:

The idea is that overall project communication is sent from the project itself and replies to that update must be captured to the project.

Ah, great question.

I just created a new item in the library called Support - Add Project Note from Project Number:

Try that and let me know how it works for you.

Hi @travis

This is awesome, thank you for creating this as I am sure many Email2AT users will make use of this.

I created the following while awaiting a response on my post:

It looks like we followed a similar train of thought :wink:

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