Complete a ticket and add a note

I searched for this, so I apologize if it’s already on here.

I want to reply to an email with a ticket #, or just email in with that ticket #. Complete the ticket and add a note. Can anyone help me with the logic on that? Thanks!

Hi Bret,

I understand you want to configure a rule in MSPintegrations to accept an email that contains a valid Autotask ticket number, and have the MSPintegrations rule add a note to that ticket and mark the ticket complete.

To accomplish this, you should add a rule to a mailbox and configure the rule with 1 action, like this:

In the screenshot, notice that I selected the action “Update Existing Autotask Ticket” (see red mark #1), and I configured the status of the updated ticket to “Complete” (see red mark #2).

Cool! Thanks for the fast reply!

What is the trigger for setting a ticket to complete, only if it has said trigger?

Would this set every reply to a ticket to complete ?

If this action fires, it will complete the ticket.

You will want to add an expression to either the rule that contains this action, or this action itself.

As an example, if you wanted to close the ticket only if the subject is exactly “CLOSE THIS TICKET”, you would click in the field to add an expression to the action:

Then add a stanza:

And set the stanza:

With this in place, the action will only be executed if the subject line matches. If it doesn’t, the action will be skipped and the next action will fire, instead.

This is perfect. Lots to play with! Thanks.

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